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A fun and supportive Community. A Hub of Qualified Businesses. An advanced toolkit.

DIYA Support

How do we provide amazing & affordable support?

"The dreaded membership"

Yes, we are a membership based platform. This allows us to provide you with amazing service and a unique experience.

AD Free Social Platform

Imagine a social platform without paid advertisements cluttering up your space. We are proud to provide a community that will not bombard you with ads. We respect the value of paid advertising and know there is a time and a place for them. We will help you advance with simplicity, not sell more than you need or smother you with distractions. We charge a fee which is affordable and of high value. This allows us to maintain the site, nurture new opportunities for members and give expert support.

Expert Marketing Advice

Get expert advice from the DIYA Team regarding your marketing. How many times are you in the middle of something and wish you could have an expert weigh in with advice or a critique? Taking advantage of this service is simple. For example, when your new logo is ready for a review just head over to the  Content Creation Group. Upload your design with a description and watch the magic. You will get feedback and advice from our pro designers who will help until you are happy with your design.

Time Saving Solutions

We can assist you by targeting solutions specific to your needs. Don't spend your time researching or struggling through trial and error only to get an unknown outcome that may leave you frustrated. Your membership gives you access to answers, solutions and advice that you are looking for. This is where we shine, let us do the dirty work while you focus on your priorities. Time is money, connect with us or other like minded people within the Hub and Community to save time advance yourself and your business.

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Our mission is to create a platform that provides the information you need to advance yourself and business. Take a look for yourself through our FREE 7-day trial to see why this platform is right for you. The community is growing with other like-minded people, giving you the benefit of being able to network and share ideas.

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